Friday, November 10, 2006
Wednesday Nov. 15 @ 6:00 p.m. in Wurster room 314B
Don't be late!
& Showing
Info at:
Starring: Aaron Eckhart and Katie Holmes
Tobacco industry lobbyist Nick Naylor has a seemingly impossible task: promoting cigarette smoking in a time when the health hazards of the activity have become too plain to ignore. Nick, however, revels in his job, using argument and twisted logic to place, as often as not, his clients in the positions of either altruistic do-gooders or victims. Nick's son Joey needs to understand and respect his dad's philosophy, and Nick works hard to respond to that need without compromising his lack of values. When a beautiful news reporter betrays Nick's sexually-achieved trust, his world seems in danger of collapsing. But there's always one more coffin nail in Nick's pack.
Email the BUSSA officers at for more info!
Sunday, September 10, 2006
BUSSA will be having its first general meeting this Thursday, September 14th at 6:30PM in Wurster Hall.
- We will be introducing our officers
- Signing up new members
- Talking about are upcoming events.
- There will be snacks provided.
- Location TBA (Most likely Wurster Hall Room106)
Lief Bursell
BUSSA Co-President
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Monday, May 29, 2006
An Evening with
Enrique Peñalosa
Former Mayor of Bogotá, Colombia
Monday, June 19, 2006
The Commonwealth Club
595 Market Street
San Francisco
As Mayor of Bogotá, Peñalosa built the world’s premiere
Bus Rapid Transit system and hundreds of kilometers of sidewalks,
bicycle paths, pedestrian streets, greenways, and parks.
5:00-6:00 p.m. Registration & Opening Reception
6:00-7:15 p.m. Presentation, followed by Q & A
7:15-8:00 p.m. Concluding Reception
Tickets: $25-50 suggested donation per person
$15 per student or low-income participant
Wine, beverages and hors d 'oeuvres
Limited space is available for this event and tickets should be purchased in advance.
or mail a check payable to:
Institute for Transportation and Development Policy
127 West 26th Street, Suite 1002
New York, NY 10001
(please note “Evening with Peñalosa” and ticket quantity in check memo)
Presented by ITDP and:
Photo sources: Juan Camilo Macias, Shreya Gadepalli, PPQ Foundation
Monday, April 10, 2006
The Right to the City and the Politics of Space
University of California at Berkeley
The Geballe Room – Townsend Center for the Humanities
220 Stephens Hall
Friday, April 14 (8:30 am – 5:00 pm) and Saturday, April 15 (9:00 am -- 2:00 pm)
The Breslauer Graduate Student Symposium is an annual conference comprised primarily of U. C. Berkeley graduate students on an internationally relevant theme. The goal of the symposium is to support graduate student research on international issues related to the pursuit of solutions to real-world problems. The symposium was established in 2001, and is made possible by a campus donor in honor of George Breslauer, Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost of the University of California at Berkeley.
The focus of the 2006 Breslauer Symposium is on the Right to the City and the Politics of Space. This interdisciplinary conference brings together graduate students who are researching struggles for shelter and livelihood, competing claims to land, and politics of space from a range of disciplinary perspectives and methodological approaches. It also seeks to cut across the often-divided analytical and geopolitical domains of First and Third Worlds, bringing together those working within the Global South and those working within the Euro-American context.
We are pleased to announce that this year’s keynote speaker will be Dr. Don Mitchell, Chair of the Geography Department at Syracuse University. Professor Mitchell is well known for his work on the historical production of landscapes as they relate to workers and the working class, the relationship between culture and power, and the production and meaning of public space. His groundbreaking book, The Right to the City: Social Justice and the Fight for Public Space (2003), explores the struggles over public space in American cities and the modes of control that have led to the marginalization of the homeless.
Thursday, March 30, 2006
There will be a general meeting followed by the screening of the award winning documentary Megacities. This will all take place in Wurster room 101 - which has a 12' by 8' projection screen!
BUSSA General Meeting + Movie Night
Thursday, April 6th at 6:30pm
Wurster Hall Room 101
We hope everyone can make it!
Also, we still have room for more people on the Berkeley Bicycle Tour!
The Bike Tour takes place Saturday April 8th, email us if you want more info or if you want to participate!
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Berkeley Urban Studies Student Association
BUSSA/CP-114 Event:
Berkeley Bicycle Tour- Saturday, April 8th at 10:30am
Take a ride around Berkeley on the Bicycle Boulevard. The tour destination will be the Berkeley marina and/or Indian Rock Park – and will finish at the Cheeseboard for lunch. Included will be a discussion of local traffic calming efforts, transportation planning, and citizen activism. We can arrange for bike + helmet rentals for those who do not have them.
Sign-up by emailing us at <> Space is limited – so sign up quickly!
BUSSA Co-President
Transportation and Land Use Coalition's
9th Annual Summit
Come join over 200 transportation, housing, and smart growth advocates on Saturday, April 1 for the Transportation and Land Use Coalition‚s 9th Annual Summit in downtown Oakland. This is a great event for learning about key issues, honing skills, networking, and plugging into the movement for a sustainable and socially just Bay Area.
Admission is going fast. Pre-registration is just $10 but spaces are filling up quickly.
Learn more and register at
Saturday, April 1, 2006
9:30 AM - 2:30 PM (optional sessions from 2:30-3:45 PM)
First Unitarian Church
685 14th St. (corner of Castro St.)
Downtown Oakland (near 12th St. BART and many AC Transit lines)
FREE Valet Bike Parking provided by East Bay Bicycle Coalition
$10 in advance (includes breakfast, lunch, and materials)
Pre-registration is required, as space is limited.
If space is available, $20 at the door.
Use the easy online registration form, and pay by check or credit card, at
- Communicating Smart Growth (Lesson One: Don't Say Smart Growth)
- Efficient Land Use: Understanding the Benefits
- Walking Tour of Old Oakland
- Transportation Funding: What's Hot in 2006
- Can We Turn the Region Around?
- There Goes the Neighbor: Combating Displacement of Existing Residents
- Walkable Streets Toolkit
- Parking that Promotes Sustainability
- From Transit Villages to Ecocities, Reshaping the City for Long-Term Sustainability
- Transportation Justice: Celebrating Success, Looking Ahead
- Wheels of Change: Regional Bicycle and Pedestrian Movements
- How to Choose: Comparing Transportation Modes
- Transportation 101: A Primer
- And more!
Learn more about the Summit and the sessions online at
Monday, March 13, 2006
BUSSA General Meeting
Featuring discussion of upcoming
Walking Tour of
SF Octavia Blvd. Better Neighborhoods Project,
Friends of the Urban Forest/Rebuilding Together
community service events.
Followed by screening of
Award-winning documentary Megacities
Saturday, February 25, 2006
1. CED CAREER FAIR Wednesday, March 6th from 11am-4pm @ Pauley Ballroom, MLK Student Union
-More than 70 firms are coming
-Bring lots of Resumes and dress nicely - business/casual
-For more info visit fairDirDisplay.asp?fair_id=18
-Tentative date of March 16th at 6:30pm in the Wurster Lobby
-There will be lots and lots of food! Possible St. Patrick's Day theme
-More details to come
-Event is planned for late March or early April
-Open to all majors
-Submit a paper written in an Urban Studies course at UCB for a chance to win $500 and be announced at graduation
-If you would like details, please email us at
If you have not yet participated in a BUSSA meeting or event, this is a great semester to get involved!
--BUSSA officers
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Friday, February 10, 2006
5:00 - 6:30PM
Location: Wurster Hall Auditorium (Room 112)
Followed by a reception 6:30 - 7:15PM in the
Wurster Hall first floor lobby (just outside the auditorium)
Hey Guys!You should all come to this event. Lief, Carmen, and I just heard Sir Hall speak this evening and it was great! He's a fantastic lecturer and has some very interesting things to say about public transit within the dispersed, low-density growth patterns in the US and lessons we can learn from cities abroad. Not to be missed!
go to for more info
(you must RSVP to attend this event).
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Monday, February 06, 2006
If anyone still wants to attend the UC Transportation Center Student Conference ( this thursday 2/9 through saturday 2/11, which features a bicycle tour of Berkeley's Bicycle Blvd that goes to the Marina, you still can, even though registration has formally been closed. James Rubin (, a doctoral student with UCTC announced in CP114 that people can probably still attend if they talk to him . Also, I work at UCTC and I think they'd be really excited about more undergraduate interest in the conference. That about it. Hope all is well!
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Wurster 106
We will be introducing new officers, announcing upcoming events and eating delicious homemade brownies. It's gearing up to be a great semester!
Also, we will be updating the blog much more often this semester so be sure to check back soon!