Tuesday, September 14, 2004

1st General Meeting TOMORROW (9-15-04) 5:30, 106 Wurster Hall. Come!

BUSSA Officers will be available to talk, answer questions, and hand out BUSSA brochures in the Wurster Hall Lobby most of tomorrow. Drop by and say hello. Otherwise, see ya at the meeting!

...and now some annoucements from Pat Ramirez:

CPA 290B – Brown Bag Seminar

Friday, September 17, 1:00 PM, Room 106 Wurster


Susan Kishi, Career Counselor for CED
Career Center

A special event open to
Urban Studies, CRP Minor students, MCP and Ph.D. Students (all levels)
Explore the many services provided through the Career Center…
everything from job postings to help with resumes and interviewing skills, academic and non-academic job searches for Ph.D. grads and soon-to-be grads, job faires and graduate school/law school faires…
The list goes on.

Don’t miss this introduction to an important resource
for the department and CED as a whole.


...and from Sara McCarthy:



The Undergraduate Dean, Fred Collignon, is throwing an informal pizza party get-together on Sept. 16 at 5 pm in room 108 Wurster for freshmen and new transfer students.

Come meet fellow students and grab some free food. Some faculty will also attend. This is a rescheduling of the event originally announced at orientation for 9/2.


So...you lucky new CED Students now have before you a wonderful opportunity, two nights of free pizza at 106 Wurster Hall! Yum.