Urban Outing on Saturday, Nov. 5
BUSSA is holding their semesterly "urban outing" this Saturday, November 5, in San Francisco. We will be taking the Chinatown Alleyway Tour which is led by youth who live or have lived in Chinatown. The tour costs $10 with student ID and the proceeds benefit the community. Afterwards we will be eating a yummy lunch in Chinatown. This is a great opportunity for everyone, whether you've never been to Chinatown or you've been a hundred times. This area of SF is a diverse and vibrant neighborhood where there are always new things to discover. The entire event will last from about 9am to 3pm. More details are available at the end of this message.
I hope to see you at this very special event. You do not have to be in BUSSA to participate, so bring your friends! Bring about $20 for the tour and lunch and don't forget your student ID. If you are interested in attending please email me so I can know how many people to expect. Please email me with any questions you may have.
See you there,
Carmen Oleksinski
The details are as follows:
9am - The F transbay bus leaves for SF (free for students with a class pass, $3.00 for those without). Meet at the Bancroft and Telegraph stop (in front of Lower Sproul). The bus leaves at this time so please arrive a little earlier!
10:30 - Chinatown Alleyway Tour (http://www.chinatownalleywaytours.org/index.php)
12:30 - Eat lunch
2:00 - Head on home, or you can stay to explore more of SF