Thursday, December 02, 2004

WEDNESDAY - DECEMBER 8 - 6PM -104 Wurster

It's our last General Meeting of the Semester...and that means it's time to.....

Get Involved!

We have a variety of officer positions open for Spring semester. Anyone is welcome to join our officer team. So come and run for office/vote! For more information on positions, see the end of this post.

Attention Urban Studies Majors!

Ever notice how on the second floor of Wurster, there's that wall called the "DCRP Dream Team" with the smiling faces of all your City Planning GSIs on it? Ever wonder why us US Majors aren't a part of this dream team?

Well that's because our OWN face board is going to be put up across the hall. BUSSA is working with the DCRP staff to complete the board. If you haven't had your picture taken yet for the face board, please come to the meeting on Wednesday for us to snap a photo of you, even if you only have time to drop by for the photo.

...or, contact to arrange a time to take the photo.

2005 T-Shirt Design

We're going to order new T-shirts next semester. You've got all of winter break to think up an interesting design. We will vote on them at the beginning of Spring Semester.

As always, there will be food and drink at the meeting. So come on by!

Now....some additional info on the officer positions:
These positions are flexible, and there is lots of overlap between roles. BUSSA officers share responsibilities and help each other out. The only requirement is regular attendance at officer meetings, which are held once a month. The officer committee is an informal group and anyone interested in attending these meetings (whether elected to an officer position or not) is welcome! Just let us know and we'll include you on the officer mailing list.

Here are the open positions:

(Co) Coordinator
Length: Two Semesters; Spring 05 and Fall 05
Duties: Keep BUSSA goin strong! BUSSA has two coordinators whose annual terms are staggered to help ensure group continuity. Our club's founding member, Mike Lim, will be graduating this semester and we're looking for an enthusiastic and responsible individual to work with our returning coordinator, Nick Perry, to plan and run meetings/events next semester and lead the group in to the Fall 2005 semester.

Length: Spring 05
Duties: Takes and distributes meeting minutes, assists Publicity Officer with intra-group communication.

Length: Spring 05
Duties: Help get the word out about our club and events. BUSSA's booster person; exercise your design skills and figure out new ways to publicize BUSSA. Coordinate with other group members to create and post flyers, banners, etc.

Length: Spring 05
Duties: Document BUSSA events through photography, web-design, or blogging.

Length: Spring 05
Duties: Work with the Coordinators, ASUC, and Faculty advisors to secure funding for club activities. Maintain club budget.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

go bussa, go bears.

A little late, but here is a pic of BUSSA's awesome banner for Homecoming week. We didn't win, but whoever set the banners up at the rally placed ours in a choice spot right next to the official homecoming banner.

[click photo to see larger version]
Posted by Hello

Tuesday, November 09, 2004


Come and meet representatives from graduate programs in the various environmental design fields. Special workshops will follow on portfolio preparation and financial planning. The event is free and lunch will be provided.

Other schools attending include: Harvard, MIT, Portland State, UC Davis, UCLA, and more.

Saturday, November 13, 2005,
10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
For more information check out:

Sunday, November 07, 2004

'What are the implications of the Bush/Cheney re-election on our urban areas and policy?'....

...that is the topic of:


Where: 104 Wurster Hall
When: Wednesday, November 10 at 6:00
Who: Everyone!

For our November meeting, we welcome special guest speaker, Professor Arthur Blaustein. Professor Blaustein, a faculty member of the DCRP, was the Kerry campaign spokesperson for the state of California.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004


Come join us for a panel discussion with CED alumni now working in Community Development, Transportation, and Housing Planning.

TOMORROW! (wed, oct 27, 2004)

106 Wurster Hall

Sunday, September 26, 2004

Heads Up!

Upcoming Events:

Urban Outing - Oakland: THIS SATURDAY (Oct 2):

BUSSA's first Urban Outing will take us to Downtown Oakland, an intriguing area for any student studying City Planning in the Bay Area. The main event will be a a tour of one of the best example of 'movie palace' and art-deco architecture in the country, the Paramount Theatre on Broadway. The tour starts at 10am and goes to 12pm. Tickets are only $1.

For more info on the theatre check out:

For more information on our Urban Outing, e-mail Nick Perry at

More info on the tour will be posted later this week.

Grad/Undergrad Mixer: NEXT THURSDAY (Oct 6):

Is the tentative date for the DCRP grad/undergrad mixer. Stay tuned for more details.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

1st General Meeting TOMORROW (9-15-04) 5:30, 106 Wurster Hall. Come!

BUSSA Officers will be available to talk, answer questions, and hand out BUSSA brochures in the Wurster Hall Lobby most of tomorrow. Drop by and say hello. Otherwise, see ya at the meeting!

...and now some annoucements from Pat Ramirez:

CPA 290B – Brown Bag Seminar

Friday, September 17, 1:00 PM, Room 106 Wurster


Susan Kishi, Career Counselor for CED
Career Center

A special event open to
Urban Studies, CRP Minor students, MCP and Ph.D. Students (all levels)
Explore the many services provided through the Career Center…
everything from job postings to help with resumes and interviewing skills, academic and non-academic job searches for Ph.D. grads and soon-to-be grads, job faires and graduate school/law school faires…
The list goes on.

Don’t miss this introduction to an important resource
for the department and CED as a whole.


...and from Sara McCarthy:



The Undergraduate Dean, Fred Collignon, is throwing an informal pizza party get-together on Sept. 16 at 5 pm in room 108 Wurster for freshmen and new transfer students.

Come meet fellow students and grab some free food. Some faculty will also attend. This is a rescheduling of the event originally announced at orientation for 9/2.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lucky new CED Students now have before you a wonderful opportunity, two nights of free pizza at 106 Wurster Hall! Yum.

Thursday, September 09, 2004

First General Meeting of the Year!

BUSSA will be holding its first general meeting this coming Wednesday!

Here are the details:

When: Wednesday, September 15 at 5:30
Where: 106 Wurster Hall
Who: All BUSSA members and any students interested in Urban Studies and the club.

-Meet other students studying City Planning at Cal.

-Meet City Planning Professors /Urban Studies Major Advisors Ananya Roy and Karen Christensen

-Hear about the events BUSSA already has planned this semester, and help brainstorm others.

-Find out ways to get involved with BUSSA, including open leadership positions.

-Join our common class list to find other students and friends in City Planning classes to study with.

-Enjoy *free* drinks, snacks, and pizza!

Hope to see you there!

Thursday, August 26, 2004

Hola Bussa-

There will be an informal "back to school" lunch meeting this Sunday for the officers and any other members so we can begin planning for the coming semester. New/transfer students are welcome to come too. We will be meeting outside of Wurster Hall at 12:00, and then head down to Southside to grab some grub.

Hope to see ya there!


Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Hello Everyone!

Hope you are all enjoying the last few days of summer break!

Also, welcome to any new Urban Studies majors and City Planning minors who wandered over to our little blog from the DCRP's web site. We're hoping to get a real web site up this semester, but for now this will do.

For anyone interested in joining BUSSA this semester, or learning more about us please send an e-mail to and we will add you to our e-mail list.

BUSSA reps will be at Thursday's DCRP Orientation at 12:00 to lead any new Urban Studies majors who want to join our lunch group. Anyone is free to join them to grab lunch somewhere on Southside. Just drop by Wurster around noon.

Also, on Friday two BUSSA reps will be at Friday's DCRP Peer Advising session at 106 Wurster from 2:30 to 4:30. Come drop by and say hi to Carmen and Nick.

Officers and Active Members, we're hoping to have a meeting this Sunday to talk about the coming semester and catch up on how everyone's summer went. More info on that later.

Welcome back to Berkeley BUSSA! This semester should be a great one.

Friday, May 14, 2004

Hello Folks,

For those of you at the get together tonight, here's a link to the trailer for the movie I was talking about. Just click on the movie poster!


Thursday, May 13, 2004

Dear BUSSA fans,

In honor of our graduating seniors, BUSSA will have a potluck/party at
Mike's apt this Friday at 7:00pm. It will be a potluck so please sign up
(by responding back to me) to bring something. But if you have no money,
kitchen, or even a generous roomate to prepare something for you to bring, don't worry, we'd still love to see you there.

I will see you all there and remember, it is good for your brain and body to take a break, especially during finals time:)


p.s. Salad, meat, deserts, fruits, drinks, etc. are all needed. Please let me know what you will be bringing.

Monday, May 03, 2004

Our last general meeting of the year will be held THIS Thursday at 6:30 at 106 Wurster. We will be electing new officers for next semester, so please attend! Remember to spread the word about the meeting, and announce it in your classes.


Sunday, May 02, 2004

BUSSA's third general meeting on April 10th marked a promising start for the club. Professor Christensen appeared as guest speaker, sharing her experience of what it took to establish the Urban Studies major and minor at Cal, as well as facts about carrying out Cal education into the professional field.

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

To All Officers and Organizers,

We have our officer meeting this Thursday. As usual, we will meet in
Wurster lobby at 6:30pm and walk down to Raleigh's or any other restaurant where we can talk.We have a lot to discuss including: our 5th General Meeting, elections, upcoming events, re-evaluation of our events so far, etc.


Kate & Mike

p.s. If any of you still want to submit logo designs, please do so asap.

Monday, April 26, 2004

HAVENS HOUSE TOUR - April 25, 2004

Drawing of Weston Havens House, Berkeley CA

On Sunday, April 25, 2004 BUSSA members joined Architecture History Professor Kathleen James-Chakraborty and a few Architecture170b students for a tour of the historic Weston Havens House.

Located on Panoramic Way above the UC Berkeley campus, the house was built c.
1941 by architect Hamilton Harwell Harris (1903-1990). The Havens House is considered his masterpiece. Its unique use of inverted gables and dramatic geometric forms earned the house its reputation as one of the greatest examples of Modernist residential architecture. The house also offers stunning views of the San Francisco Bay and a beautiful courtyard. The University of California is currently in the process
of purchasing the house, and a restoration is planned.

Special thanks go out to BUSSA co-chair Kate Grindlay and Professor James-Chakraborty and our tour guide, Weston Haven's friend Sergio, for making this great event possible.

Photos are below:

(click on photos for a larger view) (139104 bytes) (112266 bytes) (111022 bytes)
font size="1" face="Arial">view from the house, group on the balcony, carmen and another balcony view (126200 bytes) (134339 bytes) (98590 bytes)

living room, dining room, view of top of staircase (81346 bytes) (81701 bytes) (127563 bytes)

nick in the mirror, staircase looking up, sergio describing the master bedroom to the prof, her son, and jeanine (146214 bytes) (194221 bytes) (118122 bytes)

view of house from courtyard, view of courtyard, view of bridge connecting house with street (206568 bytes) (157852 bytes)

group in the courtyard, group in the bridge

bussa 027.jpg (109906 bytes) (229201 bytes)

the staircase from the bridge to the street, a view of the courtyard from the roof (99059 bytes) (126823 bytes)

an inside look at the houses inverted gables, sergio talks to kate on the roof

Wednesday, April 14, 2004


On Thursday, April 14th some of the members of BUSSA headed over to the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art to view a photographic exhibit on the last years of the town of Monticello, Ca, before it was destroyed to make way for Berryessa Resevoir. The photos were taken in 1956 by Dorothea Lange and Pirkle Jones.

After checking out the exhibit the group headed to the Mission District for some good burritos. Thanks to Rudy for planning the trip! Photos are below
(click to view larger image) (95688 bytes)
the san francisco museum of modern art (moma) (83163 bytes) (97801 bytes)
night view of metreon from MOMA, mike, julia, and chris on the MOMA balcony (83353 bytes) (84348 bytes)

rudy does some unique poses from across the moma rotunda (93513 bytes) (102777 bytes)

nick,chris, and julia with rudy in the background
...and a group photo (back row) mike, nick, rudy (front) kate, julia, chris (99386 bytes) (103583 bytes)
julia (left) and kate's out-of-town friend enjoy some burritos in the mission district after moma

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Graduate Student-Undergraduate Student Mixer

With the promise of free pizza and drinks, dozens of City Planning Graduate Students, Urban Studies Majors, and City Planning Minors gathered together in the Wurster Lobby for DCRP's first Graduate-Undergraduate Mixer. Thanks to everyone who helped plan BUSSA's first large event! It was a great success.

Photos below (click to see larger version): (114595 bytes) (129438 bytes) (120955 bytes) (148259 bytes) (146328 bytes) (129466 bytes) (123870 bytes)