Thursday, December 02, 2004

WEDNESDAY - DECEMBER 8 - 6PM -104 Wurster

It's our last General Meeting of the Semester...and that means it's time to.....

Get Involved!

We have a variety of officer positions open for Spring semester. Anyone is welcome to join our officer team. So come and run for office/vote! For more information on positions, see the end of this post.

Attention Urban Studies Majors!

Ever notice how on the second floor of Wurster, there's that wall called the "DCRP Dream Team" with the smiling faces of all your City Planning GSIs on it? Ever wonder why us US Majors aren't a part of this dream team?

Well that's because our OWN face board is going to be put up across the hall. BUSSA is working with the DCRP staff to complete the board. If you haven't had your picture taken yet for the face board, please come to the meeting on Wednesday for us to snap a photo of you, even if you only have time to drop by for the photo.

...or, contact to arrange a time to take the photo.

2005 T-Shirt Design

We're going to order new T-shirts next semester. You've got all of winter break to think up an interesting design. We will vote on them at the beginning of Spring Semester.

As always, there will be food and drink at the meeting. So come on by!

Now....some additional info on the officer positions:
These positions are flexible, and there is lots of overlap between roles. BUSSA officers share responsibilities and help each other out. The only requirement is regular attendance at officer meetings, which are held once a month. The officer committee is an informal group and anyone interested in attending these meetings (whether elected to an officer position or not) is welcome! Just let us know and we'll include you on the officer mailing list.

Here are the open positions:

(Co) Coordinator
Length: Two Semesters; Spring 05 and Fall 05
Duties: Keep BUSSA goin strong! BUSSA has two coordinators whose annual terms are staggered to help ensure group continuity. Our club's founding member, Mike Lim, will be graduating this semester and we're looking for an enthusiastic and responsible individual to work with our returning coordinator, Nick Perry, to plan and run meetings/events next semester and lead the group in to the Fall 2005 semester.

Length: Spring 05
Duties: Takes and distributes meeting minutes, assists Publicity Officer with intra-group communication.

Length: Spring 05
Duties: Help get the word out about our club and events. BUSSA's booster person; exercise your design skills and figure out new ways to publicize BUSSA. Coordinate with other group members to create and post flyers, banners, etc.

Length: Spring 05
Duties: Document BUSSA events through photography, web-design, or blogging.

Length: Spring 05
Duties: Work with the Coordinators, ASUC, and Faculty advisors to secure funding for club activities. Maintain club budget.

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